$30,000 per individual and $56,000 per household is the average income in Central Florida. That is based on the two largest cities averaged out. Most of Central Florida's population in in Tampa Bay and Orlando FL.
The median household income is somewhat deceptive. It depends on how may people live in the household and more homes are holding more people than in recent history. The per capita income is derived by the total population's income divided by the number of the group. The median household income in Orlando is just over $55,000 which is below the average for Florida.
So, what is the difference between the median household income and the average household income? The median household income would be derived from listing all of the households and their incomes from lowest to highest. If there were 1,000 households #50-#51 would be averaged to get the median household income.
The Average household income would be derived from adding all of the income from every household and then dividing by the number of households. The average household income in Tampa is $97,000 but the median household income is $59,000. Tampa has the highest median household income and the highest average household income and the highest total population. Apparently the working population there also fairs better.
Public transportation and theme parks. Really that is just about it. Utilities are similar in cost and housing costs are slightly lower in the Orlando area. For education both have good schools mixed with some great schools. Both have good colleges, Orlando has many lakes but Tampa Bay, well Tampa Bay is just better.
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