Tampa is 265 miles driving distance from Fort Lauderdale FL. That equates to a 4 hour drive and that is before rush hour in the morning. Flying to Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport will also take 4 plus hours if you include the airport waiting times etc. Then you will arrive in Fort Lauderdale with no car.
There are other ways of taking this trip. You can take a Greyhound Bus, but that takes 7.5 hours of your life (imagine the stops)over the same driving distance. You can taka train to Orlando, a taxi to the Orlando International Airport and then a train to Fort Lauderdale FL. The train rides are not bad but those separate trips also add up to over 7 hours and you may not be able to get train tickets from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale FL.
I have driven this course many times. Much of Our family lives in the Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale FL cities. Here is the truth about the driving distance. It is a very boring driving distance. No matter the route you pass through a lot of nothing but, the preferred route shown above on the map is definitely more scenic. Is there anything to stop and see? Probably not, there are some restaurants and plenty of laces to stop but just suck it up and buckle up. Good luck on your trip to Fort Lauderdale FL.
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