Tampa residents and those living in the Tampa Bay area or unincorporated Hillsborough County areas will usually have fairly high electric bills. Most of this is unavoidable for TECO customers at least in the summer months when the heat can even become a safety issue for some.
The City of Tampa Utilities covers most of what we as residents consider public service or services to keep our homes livable. The typical household cannot save much money on most of these services except on water and the average water bill in Tampa is only $46.50. On The other hand the average electric bill is nearly $275.00 right now.
Once you get your services initiated you will receive an account number from the City of Tampa. One way of paying your bill is by bank draft which involves connecting your utility account directly to your bank account. I never, do this for many reasons. Not that I do not trust the City of Tampa but that there are more beneficial and less risky ways to actually pay my bill. Payments at drop offs, pay windows or mailing a check for water restriction violations are acceptable forms of payments.
By Mail make your checks out to City of Tampa Utilities. Mail the check to PO Box 3091, Tampa FL 33630-3191.
By Phone American Express, Discover, Mastercard or Visa can be used with no additional convenience fee added by calling 813.274.8818
Private Payment Centers? Amscot is a private payments center authorized to accept City of Tampa utility payments. However, and additional fee for that service may apply.
Late Payments-Billing Challenges & Difficulties call 813.274.8811 for clarifications or to make payment arrangements. Requests for any payment extensions or special payment arrangements may be submitted through the Customer Service Portal at https://utilities.tampagov.net after you finish logging in to your account.
TECO provides electricity for those living in the majority of Hillsborough and Pinellas County. TECO recently had a significant rate increase affecting those who live in and around the City of Tampa. Bills went up considerably and with the Florida heat the need for electric service will always be great.
Electric Cars will cause further demand and higher prices for electricity. We will all soon be paying more money for electric power. The grid will need improvements as it was not designed to provide so much electricity to peoples homes and autos. Now is potentially the time to look into updating to more efficient appliances, windows and home insulation. Possibly even solar panels.
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