The homes for sale in 33602 are in and around the Old Seminole Heights area of Tampa FL. 33602 or rather the center of this zip code is about 5 miles due north of Downtown Tampa if you were to take I-275. Usually that highway flows ok, by that I mean continuously without stop and go traffic on it.
Normally around 100 homes for sale in this area (north of downtown Tampa) are available to choose from. As of the day I am writing this there are 99 and the market is meh, not bad day for the market and not good either. Of those 99 homes there are two condos and all of the other homes are the traditional single family home style.
Choosing the right realty company in this city is very important. FL real estate knows no finer real estate company than Morris & Co. We know Tampa and the nearby zip codes very well and are associates are very interested in assisting you. Contact us today through this website about any real estate need.
The median age of any homes for sale 33604 is over 50 years old. That may very a little from month to month but most of the homes here are older. You will find properties with various numbers of beds and baths. The median price of a home (subject to change) as of today is $414,000. Below for your convenience are all of the 33604 homes for sale.